Napoleon III

LouisNapolon Bonaparte was the only President of the French Second Republic and, as Napoleon III, the Emperor of the Second French Empire. He was the nephew and heir of Napoleon I. He was the first President of France to be elected by a direct popular vote. He was blocked by the Constitution and Parliament from running for a second term, so he organized a coup dtat in 1851 and then took the throne as Napoleon III onDecember 1852, the fortyeighth anniversary of Napoleon Is coronation. He remains the longestserving French head of state since the French Revolution.

CharlesLouis Napoleon Bonaparte, later known as Louis Napoleon and then Napoleon III, was born in Paris on the night of 2021 April 1808. His father was Louis Bonaparte, the younger brother of Napoleon Bonaparte, who made Louis the King of Holland from 1806 until 1810. His mother was Hortense de Beauharnais, the daughter by the first marriage of Napoleons wife Josphine de Beauharnais. As empress, Josphine proposed the marriage as a way to produce an heir for the Emperor, who agreed, as Josphine was by then infertile. Louis married Hortense when he was twentyfour and she was nineteen. They had a difficult relationship, and only lived together for brief periods. Their first son died in 1807, and, though separated, they decided to have a third. They resumed their marriage for a brief time in Toulouse in July 1807, and Louis was born premature, two weeks short of nine months. LouisNapoleons enemies, including Victor Hugo, spread the gossip that he was the child of a different man, but most

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